S. M. Rahman
Founder, Medical Director & Chief Infertility Specialist
Cradle Fertility Centre, Kolkata
Consultant, BMRI Hospital, Kolkata. Lifetime Member, ISAR & ISAR Bengal Local Chapter, FOGSI and ACE. Organising & Clinical Committee Member, ISAR 2018, Kolkata. Published his research papers in high impact factor scientific journals. Authored number of chapters in Books. Highly trained in Gynaecological Onco. surgeries, Abdominal hysterectomy, Vaginal hysterectomy, TLH, Laparoscopic Myomectomy, Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Fertility Enhancing surgeries etc. Highly trained in Fetal Medicines procedures like Amniocentesis, Combined First-Trimester Nuchal Translucency Screening, Fetal anomaly ultrasonography using 2D, 3D & 4D, Fetal profile ultrasound, CVS, Amnioinfusion, Cordocentesis or Fetal blood sampling etc. Highly trained in all infertility related treatments
Research Interest
Ovulation Induction, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Ovarian Stimulation, Folliculometry, Ovum pick ups for IVF/ICSI and Embryo transfer