Parag Nandi
Scientific Director & Chief Embryologist
Cradle Fertility Centre, Kolkata
Former Research Fellow, University of Calcutta (Ph.D). MSc in Biotechnology. Scientific Director & Chief Embryologist, Cradle Fertility Centre, Joka, Kolkata. Founder Member, Academy of Clinical Embryologists, India. Creator of ACE Official Logo. Lifetime Member of ISAR & ISAR Bengal Local Chapter. Organising & Scientific Committee Member, ISAR 2018, Kolkata. Trained in Embryology from CREST Bangalore & CREST Singapore. Published his research papers in high impact factor scientific journals like Fertility & Sterility, Andrologia, Systems Biology & Reproductive Medicine, Asian Journal of Biochemistry and many more… Authored number of chapters in Books.
Research Interest
Various ways of Air Quality management in different levels of Clean Room, Effect of VOC in Embryo Culture