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Dalida Omar Badla

Dalida Omar Badla

Damascus University, Faculty of Medicine, Syria
United Arab Emirates


Dr. Dalida Omar Badla has completed MBBS from faculty of medicine of Damascus University-Syria in 1990 and had certificate of specialist registration in ob&gyn from Ministry of Health of Syria in 1994 then Master degree (MD)from University Hospital of Aleppo-Syria in 1995 .Syrian Board in 2015 .Diploma in Minimal Accss Surgery D.MAS from World Association of Laprascopic Surgeons in 2017.Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive Technology from International Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology at WLH, NCR DELHI IN 2017. She is specialist of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Danat Al Emarat hospital in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Research Interest

Polycysic Ovarian Syndrome and Cancer