Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
3rd World Congress on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Fertility, will be organized around the theme “"Fighting PCOS: Holding on to Hope"”
PCOS Congress 2020 is comprised of 11 tracks and 32 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PCOS Congress 2020 .
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 2-1Advanced works on PCOS and Mental Health
- Track 2-2Natural remedies to cure of Ovarian Cysts
- Track 2-3Hormone imbalance associated with polycystic ovaries
- Track 3-1Anovulation
- Track 3-2Effects of Contraception
- Track 3-3Previous Pregnancies
- Track 4-1Advanced treatments to Improve Fertility
- Track 4-2Maternal and Child Health
- Track 4-3Histopathology of ADHD
- Track 5-1Blocked fallopian tubes
- Track 5-2Uterine Abnormalities
- Track 5-3Male Infertility Complications
- Track 6-1Birth Control Pills
- Track 6-2Progestin Therapy
- Track 6-3Cyst Aspiration
- Track 7-1Sexually transmitted infection
- Track 7-2Irregular periods
- Track 7-3Body weight and Exercise
- Track 8-1Oophyrectomy
- Track 8-2Endometrial Biopsy
- Track 8-3Laparoscopy and Laser Surgery
- Track 9-1Obstetric Ultrasonography
- Track 9-2Obstetrical Complication
- Track 9-3Placental praevia
- Track 10-1Auto Immune Diseases
- Track 10-2Endo-Neurological Diseases
- Track 10-3Uro-Gynecological Disorders
- Track 11-1Anti-depressants
- Track 11-2Anti-Inflammatory drugs
- Track 11-3Anti-Diabetics
- Track 11-4Anti- Cancer Drugs
- Track 11-5Anti-Hypertensive